Keep Calm and Query On

Guess what? I got another query rejection this morning. Not to worry, though. It's just another step on the road to being published!

I take a minute, mourn that loss, and then move on! Send another query, edit, re-edit, re-re-edit, re-re-re-edit, or write something new.

A lot of work goes in to the projects I query. I spend a lot of sweat and energy editing and polishing a manuscript before sending it off. It takes a lot of time and attention to try and make my manuscript the best it can be. And still the rejections come.

Have you gotten a rejection? Join the club. 

These are your dreams we're talking about! You're not going to let a little hiccup such as one or even one hundred rejections get in the way. Keep calm and query on! You've got this!

By the way, this sign was made with my Tombow ABT set. Cheers, Tombow!


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