Nanowrimo Review 2020

Let me start out by saying: I LOVE NANOWRIMO!!!!!!!

For those that don't know, Nanowrimo is a program where writers write 50,000 words of a novel in a month.

Some people get super stressed by Nano. Parts of it stress me out sometimes, but in general I thrive on this program. It helps me submerse myself in my WIP.

This year I spent a good chunk of the month editing another manuscript. As a result, I didn't think I'd make it to 50,000 words by the end of the month. But then I buckled down and worked like crazy, pulling it off in the end. What helped me the most was imagining what was coming up in my manuscript before I wrote it. Also, I prepared beat sheets before Nano began so I had a basic outline of what needed to happen.

Nano is about progress, so if you tried but didn't quite make it to 50,000, then just be glad for what you did do. Are you moving forward? Honing your craft? Then great.

Congratulations to those that won Nano, it's a hard thing to do! 

For me, participating in Nano is a gift to myself. I feel like this is a chance to succeed in writing. There are no rejection letter or even agents to get through. There's only me, and what I want to accomplish that month. It's a bit of success that no one else can give or take away. Some years it doesn't work out to participate in Nanowrimo, but when it does, I love it!


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