Creating Secret Boards on Pinterest

SHHHHHHH! It's a secret!


A secret board, that is!

I recently discovered that I can create secret boards on Pinterest to help me visualize my WIP's. Since it is secret, it's for my eye's only. This means I can throw in as many random visuals to help me build my world. If I have a character with a certain hair style, then I find pictures of that hairstyle. If I have a specific type of food they eat, I go look for a picture of it.

Sometimes I'll look at my secret boards just to help get me in the right mind set for writing that WIP. 

Here's how to make a secret board:

1. Log in to your Pinterest account.

2. Click on the plus sign (it's currently on the right side of your screen)

3. Click "Board."

4. Name your board

5. Indicate that you want the board to be secret.

6. Click "Create"

And that's it! I've had a blast creating visuals of my worlds and have found myself going down the Pinterest rabbit hole many times.


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