Rejection Letter: Agent B


Rejection Letter: Agent B

It's time for a secret agent rejection letter. Today's agent will be referred to as Agent B.

Agent B sent me a pretty short form rejection letter, but not necessarily shorter than many others I have received. 

First off, Agent B did not address me. I get it: Agents are busy. Maybe I shouldn't care, but there's something so callous about not addressing the author. You can copy paste a "Dear Author" just as easily as you can copy paste the rest of the letter. Am I the only one who cares? Probably.

The body of the letter was three sentences long. It was relaxed, personable, and kind. Basically, thanks for letting me read your materials, this isn't for me, good luck. Sweet and simple. 

Agent B only signed with their first name, and I actually liked this because it felt like a letter between friends. 

So what did I learn from this agent? Only that my manuscript wasn't working for them. This is great, this is fine. I appreciate them letting me know so I can move on.

Thanks Agent B!

Does not having a form rejection addressed bother you? I'd be interested to hear.


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