Was My Query Lost?


Oh goodness. How many times does an #amquerying author wonder: Was my query lost? How do I know if the agent got my query? Did the internet eat my query? It's way too easy to hit the agents reported time to respond and start to worry that your query disappeared.

Here's what I do when I find myself wondering if the agent ever got my query:

1. I check Querytracker.net

Find the agent in question on the database and click their comments tab. Sometimes other writers will comment when they get a response and note when they sent in their query. If no one has commented with a query sent after yours, the agent may not have reached the date you sent it in yet.

If someone has commented with a query sent after my date, I don't worry too much. What if the agent chooses queries at random or hasn't responded yet because they like my query or because they put my query in their maybe pile? #hope

2. Does the agent have a "nudge" policy?

Some agents say to nudge them if you haven't heard from them in a specific time. If this is the case, I usually wait months after that date and then send a nudge. Agents are busy people too, don't rush them.

3. Check the site

If you submitted through a site like Query Manager, then find the link they sent you when you queried and use it to check the status of your query. If it hasn't been rejected, then stop worrying. (Editing Note: Did you see how many times I just used the words query and queried in a sentence? Tsk Tsk.)

4. Did I actually send the e-mail?

There's nothing wrong with checking your own sent folder. Also, your spam folder. Just saying.

5. Keep Calm

I don't ever pester agents. Those aren't bridges I want to burn.

Is this good advice? I have no idea. This is just what I do to stop myself from stressing. Good luck, and query on!


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