#Amquerying Author And the Hunt for the One Yes: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

(If you haven't read chapter 1, check it out HERE)

    I'm in shock.

    A ladder magically appeared against the outside wall of the Agent's golden city. 

    I studied it from my hiding spot in the jungle for about two seconds before I decided to brave its heights. 

    The form rejections watched me with their hollow, unfeeling eyes as I stepped gingerly to the outer wall. I kept expecting them to attack, but for once they let me through. 
    Bit by bit, I climbed the ladder. It's only a partial ladder that strands me about a quarter of the way up the wall, but I'm closer to the golden city than I was before.

    Every once in a while an agent peeks briefly over the side of the wall before disappearing. I'm afraid to call out to the agent or even leave my place on the ladder. I have to use the restroom, but there's no way I'm leaving this spot. This might be my one chance to convince an agent to help me in my search for the one yes.
    About a week into standing on the ladder, another partial ladder appeared right next to me. I can stand on both of them, and so far the form rejections have left me alone. I even tried stacking the two ladders on top of each other, but they won't budge from their spots.

    Apparently two partial ladders does not equal a full ladder, no matter how hard I try.

    I spend my days throwing more query letters over the wall and into the city. Maybe another agent with a longer ladder will come to my aid.

    I hope they hurry. I'm almost out of my emergency stash of peanut butter cups.

Stay tuned for chapter 3


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