100 Queries Week! Monday

The other day I had the privilege of sending the 100th query for my work in progress. To be clear, this is my hundredth query on this project alone. 


Part of me is super sad and sort of MEH about it. The other part of me is like, heck yeah! 100 queries strong! I'm pretty sure I'm boss-level now.

So this week I'm going to have a Blog Party! Woohoo! Come and celebrate 100 queries with me every day. I'll celebrate perseverance, stubbornness, querying statistics, and my WIP.

Today's 100 queries stat: 

Those 100 queries were sent over a period of six months. That's just under 17 queries per month, since I can't send 16.6666 queries a month. 

Is this normal for the #amquerying author? I don't know. A lot of authors send queries out in bunches, which I did. I started by only sending out six and then adjusting from there as more feedback and rejections and requests came in.

For the record, I don't always send out 100 queries for each project that I query. I have had projects that I query way less. But I digress, that's a whole other blog post for a whole other day.

Thanks for coming to my 100 Queries Party! See you tomorrow. 

What am I doing to celebrate 100 queries today? Movie night!


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