100 Queries Week! Tuesday

Welcome back to my blog party! If you haven't read Monday's post, check it out HERE.

For today's queries stat, I thought I'd talk about response rate. How many of those 100 query letters have gotten responses?

So far . . . . drum roll . . . . 52!

Good responses, bad responses: 52. 

That means that I have 48 queries outstanding, right? Wrong. I assume that most of those queries from the early months are a no response means no situation. Now, maybe not. Maybe some of those agents just haven't gotten to my query yet, who knows. Publishing moves pretty slow, and six months is nothing. Buuuuuuut, I'm not holding my breath, either. 

Many of those queries were sent more recently than six months, also. 

We will see. 

How will I celebrate 100 queries today? A piece of pie! :)


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