Using the free version of Query Tracker

Query Tracker is one of my most used resources. I am on ALL THE TIME. But I'm too cheap to pay for the premium subscription, so I stick with the free one. I remember back when QT would offer some of it's now premium options for free, and I do miss being able to use some of those features. So I am sure the premium subscription is AMAZING. How do I use the free part of the site? Well, let me tell you.

1) Find Literary Agents

This is as easy as selecting the genre you want represented.

2) Find a specific literary agent

Have questions about a specific literary agent? Search for them by name and then get links to their profiles and sites, read other author's comments about them, and see their clients and genres represented. This is a great research tool in finding out if an agent is right for you.

3) Follow the agents to which you've submitted

Many QT users will leave a comment under an agent's profile when they have submitted to them and / or heard back. This is such valuable information! I can see if the agent is responding to other queries or submissions sent around the same time I sent mine. I know that the premium subscription has even more options for this.

4) Search for publishers

Again, this is as easy as selecting the genre you want published.

5) Discover new agents or see when agents update their listings

QT keeps a list on their main page of new agent listings and updated listings. This lets you see when an agent's genres have changed or they become open to queries, etc.

6) Query Tracker lists

Query Tracker has lists that show things like the top ten most accepting agents, the top ten most rejecting agents, etc. 

7) Who reps whom

Have a question about which agent reps your favorite author? QT might just have them on their list.

8) Query success stories

There aren't a lot of resources out there that show actual queries that were successful. QT has a place where you can read success stories, and many of those stories include the query used.

Know of another way I should be using Query Tracker? Let me know. 

Keep calm and query on!


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