Camp NanoWrimo Check-In


Picture of Computer by Glenn Carstens-Peters (Unsplash)

    What do you do when you're running behind in Camp Nanowrimo? Take the time to write a blog post, of course.

    For those that don't know, Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) is a month-long event in November. Writers challenge themselves to write 50,000 words in a month. This month, April, is Camp Nanowrimo, which is pretty much another excuse to write. 

    I count ALL the words I write during Nanowrimo. Blog Posts, my novels, everything. So, technically, this post counts for Nanowrimo.

    Still, I am so far behind. I hope if you are doing Nanowrimo that you aren't as behind as I am. It's amazing how the more you plan to write, the more life gets in the way.

    "I think I'll write this afternoon" is code-word for family emergencies, work opportunities, and exhaustion. 

    As a result, I tend to write in little spurts, here and there. Sometimes I'll literally sit down for two minutes, just to see how far I can get. Then, while vacuuming, working, cooking, or whatever I need to do, I think about the plot and what is coming up next in the book. That way, when I do get a second to write, I know exactly what I'm doing and can be efficient. 

    And of course I am constantly writing in a notebook, making character notes and drawing little pictures and setting layouts. Are you really a writer if you don't horde notebooks? 

    Of course.

    Each time I enter my word count into the Nanowrimo website, and see my progress chart get increasingly bleak, it stresses me out! 

    But I have a secret: It always happens like this. I usually write a lot more at the end of the month than I do at the beginning. And who is to care or even know if I don't finish, right?

    Except for you, dear reader. You will know, because I'll probably blog about it! :(


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