Grateful Reject: Day 3

It's day three of Grateful Reject week! If you missed the first or second posts, make sure to check those out!

Today I wanted to talk about a very exciting reason I am grateful for rejections: The ability to move on.

A rejection can be soul crushing, but the anticipation of querying a new agent can be rejuvenating.

 So what if that first agent didn't want your book? Make any necessary revisions you think you might need and move on to the next agent. What if this agent is the one who will love your story? What if this agent is the one who will see the magic you tried to create? What if this agent is the one who wants to help you get a publisher?

What if this agent is the one?

That sort of thinking is magical in and of itself.

And you know how that thinking starts sometimes? With a rejection. With some agencies, it means you can now query another agent. Or maybe you've decided to send out another query every time you get a rejection. 

Either way, this magical moment of moving on may start with a rejection.


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