This week in rejections: November 20, 2020


This week I got two rejections. And guess what? They were sent within three minutes of each other. Which means I saw them at the same time. :(

If you read last week's week in rejections, you'll know that I was revising part of my manuscript to see if I'd get a better reaction. Go check out that post if you want to know more about that.

Rejection one: Read like a form rejection. Short and sweet. This agent did have my revisions. So . . . that's a bummer. Don't they know this book is awesome? ;) But so far I've only gotten one response from the queries I sent out that had revisions. So I guess we'll wait and see. If I keep getting rejections, then I'm going to return my attention to my query letter. As a note, I did personalize this query. I don't always, but this query had a pretty good chunk of personalization. The agent didn't address me by name, or by "dear author." So that's a bummer.

Rejection two: The second rejection was from a query that I had not personalized at all. I also sent this one out long before my most recent revisions. Which also means that this query had been out for a longer chunk of time. I thought this might not be a form rejection, because it was written so kindly and well, but then the agent stated that this was a form rejection. I think, as a writer, I'd prefer the agent not spell out that their kindly written note was a form letter. Let me live in the blissful land of ignorance, where I can still pretend it could have been slightly personalized. It did have my name entered into the letter.

As a note, I am not sure which version of my manuscript I like better. I don't feel like my recent queries are getting a better manuscript. They're just getting a different one. I think this version has aspects of it that are better, but the other version has its own magic that I don't want to give up. 

Did you get any rejections this week? Huzzah! Welcome to the club.


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