Grateful Reject: Day 5

It's the fifth day of Grateful Reject week! If you missed the first, second, third, or fourth posts, don't forget to check those out.

For our final day of Grateful Reject week, I wanted to talk about another fantastic reason to be grateful for rejections!

Ready for it? A rejection means that at least part of the publishing industry is still kicking. 

2020 has been insane, right? Pandemic, politics, killer bees, storms and earthquakes and fires, etc. As a writer, I've been nervous about the state of the publishing industry through all of this. Are publishers even acquiring books? Are agents even really signing with new authors?

Rejections might not answer the second question (but I've seen enough tweets from newly signed authors to help me feel better about that), but it does help calm my nerves about the first question, at least in part.

Now, maybe my reasoning is off on this. But:

If publishing companies weren't buying new books, then they wouldn't be buying things from agents. Which means agents wouldn't be able to keep agenting, which means they wouldn't be sending rejections. 

Phew. I hope that makes sense. 

Either way, I'm grateful for the chance and opportunity.


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